Agoriad (meaning Openings in Welsh) is a diamond open access journal exploring theoretical and philosophical ideas in Human Geography and associated fields, published annually. Each volume explores a key theme, linked to the annual Gregynog Theory School which is hosted by the Welsh Graduate School of Social Sciences. Agoriad: A Journal of Spatial Theory is edited by postgraduate and early career researchers with oversight and support from a managing editorial team. Its aim is to publish high-quality research on key theoretical debates, as well as to provide a supportive publishing process for researchers at all levels.
View Journal Submit an ArticleAsian Literature and Translation offers high quality translations of Asian literary sources and reflections on the theoretical and practical issues that attend upon translation (both in the past and present). It also publishes articles and comment pieces on Asian textual sources more generally, as well as work on the reception of Asian literature within and beyond the region.
View Journal Submit an ArticleThe British Student Doctor Journal is a high quality, open access, biannual, peer-reviewed, general medical journal, which publishes articles written primarily by medical students. In addition to publishing original research and systematic reviews, we also provide a platform to medical students to express original thought and reflections on clinical practice, student life and medical education.
View Journal Submit an ArticleThe European Journal of Microwave Energy (EJME) showcases major scientific developments from fundamental and applied work using energy in the microwave spectrum. EJME celebrates breakthroughs at microwave frequencies in all areas of scientific discovery. The journal focuses upon fundamental questions and advances in science and engineering using microwave energy and is highly interdisciplinary, bringing together the fields of chemistry, materials science, physics, engineering and the medical and biological sciences.
View Journal Submit an ArticleIntersectional Perspectives: Identity, Culture, and Society is an online international interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary peer-reviewed journal which explores the representation and construction of identity, sexuality, race, and gender in social and cultural texts, discourses, practices, and subjectivities. We publish articles that address the themes of identity, sexuality, gender, race, and how they, and other markers of identity, interact and intersect, challenge, and/or question culture and society. We also encourage submissions that cut across racial, national, sexual, class, and (dis)ability divisions, as well as other markers of social difference. Our publication further provides a platform for marginalised voices to be heard, and accordingly, we are interested in receiving submissions that champion these perspectives.
View Journal Submit an ArticleThe Journal of Ammonia Energy publishes outputs from scientists and technologists actively working in this area of research. It includes high quality work from experimental, theoretical and computational investigations on the topics of ammonia as an energy vector, which include production, distribution, utilisation, safety, legal considerations and economic aspects, amongst others, for the implementation of such a molecule to support the future zero-carbon energy mix.
View Journal Submit an ArticleJOMEC Journal is an online, Open Access and peer reviewed journal dedicated to publishing the highest quality innovative academic work in Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies.
View Journal Submit an ArticleThis is a full text Open Access online journal, edited by members and associates of the Centre for Late Antique Religion and Culture at Cardiff University.
View Journal Submit an ArticleThe Journal of Corpora and Discourse Studies publishes pluridisciplinary corpus-assisted research into discourse, defined as language in use as a vehicle of communication.
View Journal Submit an ArticleMartial Arts Studies publishes the highest quality academic work on any aspect of martial arts studies. It aspires to stimulate and enrich the development of research and scholarship in martial arts studies by publishing the highest quality interdisciplinary work in the emergent field.
View Journal Submit an ArticleNew Readings provides a fully peer-reviewed platform for original research in the fields of literature, film, cultural history, and visual culture. Aiming to stimulate debate between specialists from different disciplines, the journal has a strong, but by no means exclusive interest in scholarship that cuts across traditional disciplinary and national boundaries, as well as comparative work, and is open to a variety of angles and methodological approaches. Submissions in languages other than English are considered for publication, as long as the choice of language is justified by the subject. The journal’s open-access policy ensures a wide audience beyond academia. We welcome proposals for guest-edited themed issues.
View Journal Submit an ArticleThis is an Open Access journal committed to foregrounding innovative Romantic Studies research into bibliography, book history, intertextuality and textual studies.
View Journal Submit an ArticleStudies in Gothic Fiction is devoted to the study of the Gothic from its beginnings in the eighteenth century to the present, and across different disciplines, such as literature, arts, and the media.
View Journal Submit an ArticleThe aim of the WER is to provide authoritative and objective analysis and commentary on the Welsh economy, and regional economies in general, in a manner that promotes understanding and informs decision-making. The intended audience includes academics, economic development practitioners, policy-makers, and anyone with an interest in the Welsh economy and/or regional economics.
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