Martial Arts and Media Supplements
Paul Bowman
Chapter from the book: Bowman, P. 2019. Deconstructing Martial Arts.
Chapter from the book: Bowman, P. 2019. Deconstructing Martial Arts.
This chapter begins to deconstruct the idea that martial arts are purely physical or embodied practices. It does so by focusing on the contexts, forces and structures outside of embodied practices that influence, inform or even orientate physical culture in myriad complex ways. It approaches these in terms of Jacques Derrida’s notion of the supplement. This notion has already been introduced in the Introduction and elaborated upon in different ways, although this is the first chapter in which its full deconstructive potential will be explored.
Bowman, P. 2019. Martial Arts and Media Supplements. In: Bowman, P, Deconstructing Martial Arts. Cardiff: Cardiff University Press. DOI:
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Published on June 24, 2019