User Persona of Mother of Preterm Neonate
Affiliation: Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, IN
Affiliation: Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, IN
Affiliation: Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, IN
Affiliation: IT University of Copenhagen, DK
Affiliation: Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, IN
Chapter from the book: Loizides, F et al. 2020. Human Computer Interaction and Emerging Technologies: Adjunct Proceedings from the INTERACT 2019 Workshops.
This research paper presents a user persona of Indian mothers of preterm neonates. Many of these preterm neonates require hospitalization in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs), leading to mental stress for mothers and their families. The mother’s persona is proposed based on hypothesis, user interviews and data analysis. The participant mothers of preterm neonates are graduates and homemakers from semiurban areas around Pune, India. These mothers prefer non-vegetarian diet, they visit a pediatrician more frequently and presently, they do not use any mobile healthcare app or YouTube videos for information about neonatal care. A mobile app will be developed for these mothers in future with due consideration to their user persona.