Prototype Design of Alert Device for Hearing Impaired Users
Affiliation: Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, IN
Affiliation: Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, IN
Affiliation: Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, IN
Affiliation: Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, IN
Chapter from the book: Loizides, F et al. 2020. Human Computer Interaction and Emerging Technologies: Adjunct Proceedings from the INTERACT 2019 Workshops.
Sounds are essential pressure waves which keep humans informed about the events around them. Users with hearing impairment have difficulties in recognition of the sounds that are vital in their day-to-day life. This research paper discusses a paper prototype design of Alert Device for hearing impaired users within their work environment at home. This prototype of Alert Device is designed based on a detailed literature survey as well as peer Android application review. The device design focuses on recognition of sounds in the home environment such as detection of the doorbell, crying of a baby, fire alarm, motion detection alarm and phone ringing at home. It also includes features such as self-training of sound, Panic/SOS button and sound log. The proposed proto-type will reduce the dependency of hearing impaired users on other family members around them within the work environment at home and will improve their daily life activities through Information and Communication Technology (ICT).