On Social Acceptance of UI Intervention Mechanisms on Posting and Reading Comments on Online News
Affiliation: Tampere University, FI
Affiliation: Tampere University, FI
Affiliation: Tampere University, FI
Affiliation: Tampere University, FI
Affiliation: Tampere University, FI
Chapter from the book: Loizides, F et al. 2020. Human Computer Interaction and Emerging Technologies: Adjunct Proceedings from the INTERACT 2019 Workshops.
Issues in the discussion culture in social media call for new approaches to improve, for example, the practices of commenting online news articles or similar public content. Our ongoing research aims to design and develop user interface mechanisms that could automatically intervene the reading or commenting experience in order to enhance emotional reflection and thus improve online behavior. While this aim might seem desirable, it is a conundrum where the solutions need to carefully balance various requirements and values. For example, automatic moderation of the messages might violate the fundamental right to freedom of opinion, and computationally tampering the intimate act of human communication might feel inappropriate. This paper discusses various issues from the perspectives of social acceptance and ethics by presenting three seemingly effective, yet problematic design explorations. Following the ideology of critical design, we contemplate how the design conventions in social media could be changed without introducing adverse behavioral consequences.