Adapting UCD for Designing Learning Experiences for Romanian Preschoolers. A case study
Affiliation: Babęs-Bolyai University, RO
Affiliation: Babęs-Bolyai University, RO
Affiliation: Albinu¸ta Kindergarten, RO
Chapter from the book: Loizides, F et al. 2020. Human Computer Interaction and Emerging Technologies: Adjunct Proceedings from the INTERACT 2019 Workshops.
Living in a world where almost every aspect of our life becomes digital requires attention on digital skills development of young generations of citizens. Education is the driving force that can support equality of chances in digital skills acquirement. In this paper we describe our experience in developing educational software for Romanian preschoolers (3–5/6 years) attending the public formal educational system. To be successful, the educational software should be both accepted by preschoolers and their teachers. We propose a two steps User (Child) Centered Design (UCD) approach focusing both on preschoolers and their teachers. The results obtained by applying the proposed method on a real case study are presented.